Monday, July 28, 2008

Episode Seven

"Song, Sung, Ulu"

In news, are the new Olympic mascots cute enough? We be the judge.

Then, if you'd recognize the Muppets theme song in two seconds or less, you're better than Jay. The Quizmaster brings us a TV theme songs quiz!

Plus, a travellogue, of the place you go to search for an ulu. It may not be quite as weird as it sounds. But it's still kinda weird.

Episode #7 of Two A-holes and Jay Gish can be downloaded
by right-clicking here.

Or just hit the play button below...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Episode Six

"The Lion-O, e-Bitches and the Word Rubes."

We get our learn on, with this year's new dictionary words.

Then we play detective, searching for an honest (real) woman to date online.

And, wake up, Hollywood! Thundercats needs a live action film, and we've got some golden casting suggestions.

Episode #6 of Two A-holes and Jay Gish can be downloaded
by right-clicking here.

Or just hit the play button below...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Episode Five

The latest installment from the guys at

We go sound effect crazy, as Adam hosts "The Price is Right" like you've never (quite) heard it.

Jeff lays out the table for us to determine what, actually, is the best candy bar in the world (hint: it ain't Toblerone!).

And in news, get Hancock on your Bravia -- and other dirty-sounding things.

Episode #5 of Two A-holes and Jay Gish can be downloaded
by right-clicking here.

Or just hit the play button below...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Episode Four

The latest podcast from the guys at

This week we analyze the viral phenomenon of the internet ball catch girl ...Adam hosts a rapid-fire quiz on box office boom-or-busts ...and, would you invite strangers to judge your Netflix queue? Jay lays bare his tastes and leanings, for the a-holes to pick apart. Which they gleefully do.

Episode #4 of Two A-holes and Jay Gish can be downloaded by right-clicking

Or just hit the play button below...